Case Study: Measuring ROI on SEO, SEM and User Experience Improvements

Case Study: Measuring ROI on SEO, SEM and User Experience Improvements

Hand drawing ROI (return on investment)

Measuring ROI on any marketing activity and any customer experience enhancements can be easy, especially if you’re using a web metrics tool, like Google Analytics.

A lot of what we do for clients is two-fold:

1.) Drive targeted traffic to their websites;

2.) Convert traffic into measureable actions like downloads, form submissions, sales leads, etc. The former being largely a function of marketing, advertising and social media and the latter being more a function of website design, content and customer experience. 

We’ve recently worked with a world renowned French manufacturer and seller of gourmet cooking utensils and food-related items, to create more lift for their brand, accelerate their targeted traffic and increase specific e-commerce key performance indicators (KPIs).  

After six months, our results are exceptional. See for yourself:

Marketing and Advertising Performance KPIs:

• Organic Search:+372%
• Paid Search:+209,333%
• Referrals: +229%
• Direct: +206%
• Social: +390%
• New Users: +58%
• Bounce Rate: -4%
• Pages per Session: +43% 

Website and Customer Experience KPIs:

• Transactions:+30.56%
• Revenue:+84.51%
• Avg. Order:+41.33%
• Avg Price:+57.88%
• Unique Purchases:+23.46%
• Conversions:+56.21%
• Conversion Value:+86.61%

• Redesigned the content and customer experience related to a main product page, resulting in a +74% increase in sales from that page

• Redesigned the content and customer experience on the homepage, resulting in a +22% increase in average order value. These are remarkable KPI’s that any business would be proud of.

And the best part? It doesn’t take gobs of money or massive design changes. It’s often is the small, overlooked things that net the biggest results. Any business can achieve killer performance like this – Just contact us, we’ll show you how.

We’re always happy to help get clients on the right track – the track that leads to profit.


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