How To Apply Empathy To Your Marketing Strategy

How To Apply Empathy To Your Marketing Strategy

Is Your Business Empathetic, or Faking It?

How To Apply Empathy To Your Marketing Strategy

If your business is not yet talking about the power of empathy marketing, it’s time to get up to speed. Marketing needs to be fueled by an ability to persuade customers that they will benefit from what you offer – but before you do that, it is critical to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. To put it another way, “before you can produce powerful conversions in others, you have to experience one in yourself,” according to MECLABS.

The more you can act with your customer’s perspective and best interest in mind, the more successful you will be in converting them. Empathetic marketing may feel a bit warm-and-fuzzy for digital professionals – however, with the amount of click-based data, demographic information, and targeting that you can learn from through Google Analytics and other tools, it is possible to map ways to empathize with customers and produce concrete, quantifiable results.

If your marketing team has the capacity to work with qualitative data, it is a great practice to build feedback loops with customers. Where are they already talking about your business? Social media platforms and review websites are a great place to start. Additionally, seek feedback whenever you have a customer touchpoint, such as an email, purchase confirmation, or high-touch interaction such as a phone call or visit to a brick and mortar. By recognizing that your customer has something valuable to teach you no matter what the situation is, you can pivot your entire operational strategy to privilege customers’ needs – to empathize with them.

Empathy marketing is your first step when your business is ready to form a meaningful relationship with your customer. ASTRALCOM’s expertise in customer acquisition has the power to transform how you relate to your target audience.


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