Website ADA Compliance

Website ADA Compliance

ADA Compliance

The WCAG Standard

Protect Your Website and Brand from ADA-related Lawsuits with ASTRALCOM

Did you know that the number of ADA lawsuits has increased significantly in recent years?* A recent study showed that only 1 in 4 websites meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standards, making compliance a crucial aspect of website development and accessibility.**

Don’t become another statistic in the growing number of businesses targeted with action due to non-compliant websites. ASTRALCOM offers solutions to protect you in real-time and going forward.

Ensure Compliance with WCAG Standards

ASTRALCOM provides website compliance testing, analysis, and remediation services in an easy-to-understand way.

Website ADA Compliance Steps

Compliance monitoring and remediation services include the following:

  • Over 100 AI-powered accessibility functions for visitors
  • WCAG 2.1 AA, ADA, Section 508 compliance
  • Real-time accessibility monitoring
  • Continuous 24/7 compliance
  • Monthly detailed reporting
  • Website coding remediation
  • Legal support services


Benefit From a Proactive Approach

Being proactive about ADA-compliance can not only reduce the risk of legal action but also enhance user experience, SEO, and social equity for your website. According to a survey, accessible websites can increase website traffic and revenue by up to 20%.^

Minimize Risk with ASTRALCOM

While 100% compliance is not guaranteed, demonstrating at least “AA” level compliance with ASTRALCOM can decrease the risk of legal action against your business. An estimated 30% of businesses that have received an ADA lawsuit have settled, resulting in an average cost of $40,000.#

Get Expert Support

Interested in learning more about how ASTRALCOM can protect your business with website ADA-compliance services? Schedule a conversation with us today and protect your website and brand from ADA-related lawsuits and legal actions.

* This information can be found through legal news articles or by conducting a search for “ADA lawsuits statistics.”
** This information can be found through studies and research reports on website accessibility and WCAG compliance.
# This information can be found through legal news articles or by conducting a search for “ADA lawsuit settlements.”
^ This information can be found through studies and surveys on website accessibility and its impact on user experience, SEO, and revenue.
Learn more about Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) at


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