Customer Segmentation First, Then Personalization

Customer Segmentation First, Then Personalization

Human resources and CRM

Do you know who your customer is? Do you have a customer/buyer profile that you use in your marketing efforts? Does your website segment buyers by type?

Do you even need to be concerned with buyer types? The answer is – absolutely!

Especially in today’s market, where things like buyer affinities, geotargeting, location-based advertising, remarketing and the ability to personalize messaging are all available

Even if you know that your average customer is male, there are still differentiating factors within that customer segment that help to define your customers even more. For example, you might discover that 35% of your customers are males between the ages of 25-35. Or, you may find that 15% of your male customers are poker enthusiasts, or a certain segment is Yale alumni.

Why is this important? By segmenting your customers, you’ll be able to create more powerful messages, more effective ad campaigns and more loyal customers.

When creating relationships with your customers, just like any other relationship, the more you know about them – the more you have in common – the better your encounters will be. See more about this in our post called The Power of Granfalloons in Marketing and Advertising. We like to think of this approach as earning the customer’s “micro-yes.” Micro-yes’s are things which you have control over. Namely page content, marketing messages and anything having to do with the customer experience. So, the more clicks toward an end-goal, the longer customers spend on your site learning or otherwise positively interacting with your brand, the more they visit your owned media properties, the better chance you have of converting them into a buyer. Each micro-yes is really a series of steps to conversion.

Plus, if you relate to your customers on their level, then you’ll be able to form bonds with them and they may even become evangelists for your brand.

This is why establishing a customer profile and properly segmenting your audience is important. Only once you’ve handled this properly can you create messaging that is not only personalized, but that incorporates fundamental emotional and intellectual properties that automatically speak to your customers.

If you want help creating customer profiles or segmenting your audience, we’d be happy to help you.


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