What Do the Russians, Trump, Pink Floyd and Google Analytics Have in Common?

What Do the Russians, Trump, Pink Floyd and Google Analytics Have in Common?

Probably the best way to effectively communicate this remarkable story to you is to simply point you to two specific links on the web. If I attempted to curate this information for you, it would likely end up being a dis-service.

Suffice it to say that, chances are, you’re going to start hearing a lot about Vitaly Popov.

That’s all I am going to tell you. You need to start here and then move to this post to get a good picture of this twisted tale that Hollywood could never even think of.

Because Google Analytics is such an integral part of today’s business intelligence, it pays to ensure that your metrics are accurate, reliable and understandable. But just tracking top-level key performance indicators (KPI’s) isn’t enough. With Metrics Authority from ASTRALCOM, you’ll be able to easily understand your web metrics and be able to use this information to help your business grow.


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