It’s Homebuying Season! Are Builders Ready?

It’s Homebuying Season! Are Builders Ready?

Updated March 12, 2023

Updated from Builder Online version published March 21, 2017

Homebuilders, are you ready for homebuying season!?


As a homebuilder marketing professional, gearing up for homebuying season and so many different things to remember in digital marketing alone, it’s easy to forget or to overlook a critical tactic.

And this year, everyone is smarter. Homebuyers are smarter in how they choose homebuilders. Homebuilders are smarter in how they connect with homebuyers. With other builders courting the same buyers that you are, it’s going to be a lot more competitive, this year.

That’s why we made this handy checklist; to help ensure that you have all of your customer touchpoints in line and your marketing efforts ready. Ready to sell more homes, that is!

Think you’ve got it all covered? Check your marketing plans against our list of 12 must do’s for increased sales this season:

1.      Inspiring community, property and floor plan descriptions. Descriptions of the floor plan options, the property area and the neighborhood help create an overall community idea for potential buyers.

2.      Attractive interior and exterior pictures and videos. A picture is worth a thousand words and professional photos and videos go a long way in creating a story for potential homebuyers.

3.      Accurate list of community and area attributes. By leveraging community and local attributes, individual properties and whole new communities appear more connected, centralized and attractive to buyers.

4.      Clearly defined competitive differentiator messages. Whether a builder has a unique building process, integrates energy-efficient options, or includes personalization, these competitive differentiators should be brought forward.

5.      Optimized conversion pages and effective calls-to-action. Most homebuilders convert web leads between the 1% – 5% range. By integrating more engaging and educational content, buyers create a deeper affinity with builders and convert more frequently.

6.      Regional and local SEO keywords and supporting content. Because searches from mobile devices are at an all-time high and to leverage recent and new changes in local search at Google, builders should ensure that they are well represented in local search results, especially from mobile devices.

7.      Recent, engaging posts and content in social media. Old posts and stale content in blogs and social sites should be updated with new floor plan, pics, videos, buyer testimonials and any other engaging and informative content that prospective buyers would be interested in.

8.      Paid advertising and remarketing in search, display and social. Homebuyers use many ways to search for homes and to investigate the builders they are interested in. Paid keyword ads in Google and Bing, targeted display ads and remarketing are critical tactics in reaching potential buyers sooner.

9.      Promotional, incentive and wayfinding materials. Make it easy for homebuyers to find your communities with signage and other wayfinding tactics and help move homebuyers off the proverbial fence with promotions and incentives.

10.     Email marketing campaign setup. With the best return on marketing investment, email is one of the most important tools homebuilders can use to help cultivate engagement, trust and assurance with potential buyers, which ultimately leads to a purchase decision.

11.     Syndicated press releases and content marketing. Content marketing and press release publishing are an excellent way to get fresh, relevant content in front of potential homebuyers and help with search engine optimization.

12.     Clear goal measurement and key performance indicator metrics. With good data and clear metrics, marketing efforts can be honed-in for surgical preciseness and optimized for maximum conversions.

Download an abbreviated version if the 12 Homebuilder Must-Do’s at this link.

If you’re missing something from the Top-12 list, we can help. We’re experts in homebuilder marketing and customer experience. We love to create inspiring, engaging and informative experiences that help you sell more homes.

Visit our Homebuilder Marketing & Customer Experience page and learn more.

So, even if you just have a question, reach out to us. We’re happy to assist.


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