Small Steps Marketers Can Take To Drive Big Change

Small Steps Marketers Can Take To Drive Big Change

What Is Your Team Doing To Make Efficiency A Strategic Imperative?

Steps Marketers Can Take To Drive Big Change

Efficiency is a significant trend for marketers in 2020. That’s why it’s crucial for businesses to understand how to find the low-hanging fruit that can impact your marketing strategy. There is no question that when it comes to seeing exciting, memorable digital marketing, going big is a fan favorite – it’s in most marketers’ DNA to go big or go home.

A recent article outlines a number of case studies in which companies leveraged small tactics in order to drive big-time impact. A few examples I am especially interested in are micro-copy tweaks such as a shift in button copy to test out changes in clickthrough rates. In the case of one company cited, changing three words led to a 52% increase in clickthrough rates. This begs the question – what are your CTA’s asking people to do? And, are you speaking to them in language that sounds natural and relatable?

Another interesting example describes how changing a contact form generated almost 10% more conversions for a real estate brand. If contact forms are a key way for you to track and organize leads, make it easy for prospective customers to share relevant data points. Forms that are short, with intro copy that sounds inviting and acts as a guide, will see much higher engagement than forms that feel like a chore to fill out.

Lastly, and unsurprisingly to me, the article cites the impact of some simple SEO work – cleaning up some HTML, inserting better snippet text and auditing metadata to align with the most relevant, current keywords makes for some enormous change. This is especially the case for niche or small, local businesses who have a special product or service for a very specific audience.

Are you hoping to make essential changes that will transform your marketing impact? Make ASTRALCOM your partner – we can help you merge your marketing goals with a comprehensive digital strategy. Reach out to learn more about our expertise.


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