How to Stay Efficient While Working Remotely

How to Stay Efficient While Working Remotely

Best Practices for Managing Teams While You Shelter in Place

Best Practices for Managing Teams While You Shelter in Place


For many teams, working from home does not majorly disrupt the flow of business. However, when there is an urgent need to shelter in place, businesses face an unprecedented requirement to get serious about remote work. We are in the midst of what Time magazine is calling the world’s largest work-from-home experiment – but many companies’ employees are not equipped or in the habit of rolling out bed and into their home office.

How can leaders best respond to the requirements of our new work from home era? First and foremost, good managers treat their teams like human beings. Practicing good individualization means getting to know how employees are most productive while working from home – and what factors are getting in the way. In instances where there are kids in the house, illness in the family or other emotional stressors, teammates need extra allowances in order to feel autonomous, empowered and to do their best work.

In addition, having clear expectations that are set well ahead of deadlines and urgent requirements will help employees to get a hold on how to manage their time and, ultimately, how to deliver a quality work product on their terms. Managers need to be ultra-clear in communicating what they expect, and when they need things. Meanwhile, folks in leadership or at executive levels should be consistently reminding their companies of strategic goals and initiatives to keep people motivated at every level.

Here’s the good news – many studies show that working remotely can increase productivity and lower a company’s overhead. While COVID-19 will not last forever, some of the lessons learned and advantages that set in through remote work may provide lasting solutions for many companies. Your key findings from leading a remote workforce in today’s climate are likely to continue to inform best practices for your company down the line.

At ASTRALCOM, we are experts at working remotely. If, while you’re working remotely, you’re looking to find ways to strengthen your company’s digital operations, contact us and we will gladly help you.


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