Why Brands Need To Focus on Being Relatable

Why Brands Need To Focus on Being Relatable

How Can Brands Establish Credibility? Act Like a Friend to Potential Customers.

How Can Brands Establish Credibility

Brands can do endless acrobatics to be persuasive and relevant to their target customers. However, what will resonate most profoundly and contribute to ongoing loyalty is a sense of relatability between a person and a brand. In digital campaigns, brands need to feel trustworthy to feel relevant – especially as our online lives become increasingly complex. 


I am a fan of this breakdown of how brands can establish relatability and trust with their targets. Consumers are most likely to connect with a brand that proves its credibility without hesitation, displays empathy and feeling for what customers need, behaves in ways that feel personal and human, and is reliably going to fill an unmet need. There is no shortage of tactics brands can employ on the credibility front, from centering customer reviews and testimonials to offering data-driven visualizations that prove that a product or service is effective. Brands can work on their messaging and articulate their values consistently to convey empathy. Not everyone will agree with every brand’s values – but the people that see themselves in you will be ever more inclined to stick with you. Bringing an authentic, human tone also comes across in how brands use messaging and social media – and can inform content decisions around imagery and voice across channels. 


If you’re a business owner or marketer looking to better relate to your target consumer, partner with the experts at ASTRALCOM. We are content strategy experts with expertise in building digital campaigns across sectors.


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