Can A Single Website Draw Customers to Multiple Locations?

Can A Single Website Draw Customers to Multiple Locations?

How To Target A Business’ Multiple Locations with a Single Website

Target A Business’ Multiple Locations with a Single Website

Does your business have multiple brick-and-mortar locations? Uniting several locations under a single website makes sense from a branding perspective but carries an SEO burden. Recently, Google’s SEO expert John Mueller spoke to this exact challenge, suggesting that a site should link out to relevant pages with a dynamic banner. This approach puts the user first, as a dynamic banner should consider their location and serve up the most relevant page for them. In addition to helping direct traffic to these individual pages, the pages should also be indexed to show up on a search engine listings page. If a banner doesn’t work for you, another approach is to dynamically shift homepage copy depending on the state where a user is located. 


In either case, a brand’s homepage should still have enough available content to establish that your brand encompasses all of its locations. Core details about the business, what it offers, and who it serves should live on the homepage. 


If you’re a multi-location business working through the challenges of marketing your various stores or branches online, partner with ASTRALCOM. We collaborate with brands to create dynamic, powerful SEO strategies with proven results.


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