How Customer Expectations are Re-Shaping the Restaurant Industry

How Customer Expectations are Re-Shaping the Restaurant Industry

The Pandemic Has Changed the Restaurant World – For Good

Restaurant Industry

Throughout the past two and a half years, one thing has been proven again and again in the restaurant world: profit margins are dangerously thin, and marketing dollars need to go in a direction that will definitely grow a business. In other words: if a restaurant creates a marketing campaign, they do not have the luxury of being experimental or taking risks – they need results. 


recent report found that 95% of people are eating at restaurants again – which is a sorely needed return to reliable revenue for most restaurants. However, while capacity may be near what it was before March 2020, customers’ expectations and behaviors have evolved. Customers expect restaurants to use online ordering systems, either through an app or a website. Interestingly, most customers are happy to use a restaurant’s own app or website over a delivery or third-party delivery app service. 


This shift in expectations is all about ease – customers want the ordering and payment experience to feel fast and effortless. Using a customer’s first-party data while on a restaurant’s website is one way to reduce friction. If you know what they are likely to order or when they will want their food, you’ve simplified two of their decisions simply by remembering that they’ve dined with you before.


If you are a restaurant marketer seeking ways to maximize your campaign dollars, get in touch with the team at ASTRALCOM. We have proven expertise working with restaurants to create digital marketing strategies and quality content to keep customers coming back for more. 


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