Is This the End for Influencers?

Is This the End for Influencers?

The Influencer Economy Braces for Big Change

influencer marketing

Influencers have been the bedrock of many brands’ marketing strategies for over a decade. Marketers look to influencers’ tremendous followings to add a sense of FOMO, lifestyle alignment, and polish to their products. The age of the influencer may be reaching its end, however. According to a recent FastCo article, TikTok may be to blame. The video social network’s algorithm privileges content types over creators. This means that internet celebrities have less of an edge over amateur creators with a strong point of view. 


To keep authenticity and relatability at the center of their brand promises, marketers are now turning to amateur creators to amplify their messages in non-fussy, human ways. This lean toward user-generated content is a more distributed, less expensive way for brands to build dynamic conversations around their offerings and to illustrate how their products and services serve regular people with needs that match their target audience. If you are working with a limited marketing budget and want to experiment with a thoughtful, user-generated content strategy, lean on ASTRALCOM.



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