The Payoff is Real for Restaurant Marketing

The Payoff is Real for Restaurant Marketing

We’re Believers in Restaurant Marketing – Here’s Why

Restaurant Marketing

Food and dining businesses operate on notoriously slim margins, yet marketing always deserves a place in a restaurant’s budget. According to some experts on the topic, a solid marketing strategy is as important as great food and high-quality service. Here’s a quick set of ground rules for restaurants looking to level up their marketing.

  1. Set some clear goals. Marketing efforts work best when you track them over time and assess their performance against business goals. What do you want your campaigns to do for your bottom line? What sorts of customers are you most eager to reach?
  2. Do your research. Set some benchmarks for yourself by understanding what others are doing well. Make a list of immediate, adjacent, and left-field competitors, and study their marketing activities over time.
  3. Create some financial parameters. How much budget can your brand realistically allocate to marketing activities? It is customary within the industry to issue at least 3% of your sales toward marketing – but you can scale up or down depending on your goals.
  4. Leverage your location. Location-based marketing is an excellent tool at your disposal, no matter which platforms you lean on to bring your marketing efforts to life. Use geotags on social media sites, Google Business, and more to help people nearby find your location.

Brand new restaurants and neighborhood staples alike can benefit from re-orienting their marketing efforts and refreshing their strategies. If you’re a restaurant or franchise owner looking to increase your marketing initiatives and build brand loyalty, partner with ASTRALCOM. We have years of experience helping restaurants and other small businesses increase sales and web traffic.


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