Why Your Site Taxonomy is Worth Breaking Down

Why Your Site Taxonomy is Worth Breaking Down

Could Sorting Your Site’s Taxonomy be the Missing Link for Your Brand’s SEO?

Your Site Taxonomy

Many brands feel themselves plateau on SEO performance after handling the basics – optimizing their homepages, products, blog posts, etc. If this sounds like you, and you still aren’t hitting your targets, you are not alone. SEO is riddled with variables and is constantly evolving. One factor worth addressing is your site’s taxonomy or the structure that undergirds your individual content pages. Is there a convincing order to this structure? Is it systematic and predictable? If so, you’re more likely to see SEO perform well. 


Arranging your site taxonomy by category, tags, and attributes makes it easier for users to navigate it and track down relevant search results and helps Google’s algorithm index it. Typically, new categories, tags, and attributes will generate new pages within your website’s URL structure – which can lead to some chaos on the SEO side. A solid way to go about organizing a site’s taxonomy is to export a database of every tag on a website and clean up tags that are not applied consistently. Over time, as your site evolves and your personnel change, work within a set of controlled terms – think of it as a specialized vocabulary for your brand. 


If you’re looking for new ways to improve your SEO results while maintaining the great work you’ve already put into your website, lean on the experts at ASTRALCOM. We have decades of expertise helping businesses across verticals handle the ins and outs of search engine optimization and hit their revenue targets.


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