New Meets Old: The Case for Merging AI Tools Classic Formats

New Meets Old: The Case for Merging AI Tools Classic Formats

Why You Should Not Abandon Your Tried and True Channels – And Do New Things

sales funnel design

A recent crash course on sales funnel design offered a mind-boggling combination of possible formats for consideration. Every brand will have a different potpourri of formats that make the most sense for your target audience, and I am a supporter of not abandoning the old even as you try something new. Why? Think about the last time you walked around a major city. You doubtless walked over old cobblestone and fresh sidewalk concrete in one day and gazed up at antiquated architectural details without failing to notice towering high rises or cranes erecting new buildings. The mix of old and new makes for a rich, compelling experience – and different details appeal to different people.

A brand rarely has one single target customer in mind. While you may have a core archetype that embodies your target, you’d be neglecting value potential if you didn’t address at least a few possible audience segments in your marketing content. For this reason, tried-and-true marketing formats such as print journals and email marketing should remain in motion, even as you begin experimenting with new AI-generated tools using DALL-E or Chat GPT. Just be sure to streamline the experience, centralize core information in a clear destination on your website, and explore nodes on both ends of the novelty spectrum that funnel your audience to your landing page.

If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help you refine your digital strategy and expand upon your content marketing, we are here for you. At ASTRALCOM, we have been guiding customers across sectors toward digital marketing success.


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