How To Ensure That Customers Actually Open Your Marketing Emails

How To Ensure That Customers Actually Open Your Marketing Emails

Are Your Subject Lines Pulling Their Weight?

Open Your Marketing Emails

What is your brand’s technique for crafting effective email subject lines? In many cases, the subject line is omitted from planning and copying documents – which means it risks becoming an afterthought. If you’re a marketer looking to improve your email open rates and engagement, there is a powerful school of thought that would steer you toward elevating your subject lines into art. Here are a few essential tips for high-impact subject lines:

  • Be concise. Short subject lines tend to perform better, as they are easier to read and understand. Aim for subject lines that are around 6-10 words or 40-50 characters in length.
  • Add a sense of urgency to the subject line to grab the reader’s attention and steer them toward immediate action. Using words like “limited time,” “act now,” or “ending soon” can build a reader’s anticipation. Teasing a compelling offer or hinting at valuable information piques a reader’s interest and makes them curious to know more.
  • Play with personalized subject lines that include the recipient’s name. Or, try segmenting your audience to target specific groups who might be interested in a given service or promotion. The more you understand your target audience and tailor the subject line accordingly, the more you can improve open rates.
  • Steer clear of spam triggers. Avoid words or phrases that may trigger spam filters and cause emails to land in the recipient’s spam folder. Words like “free,” “urgent,” or lots of exclamation marks are often detected as spam. 

Are you unsure what’s working and why in your email subject lines? Test different subject line wording so that you can analyze the results to determine what works best for different target audiences. A/B testing allows marketers to compare the performance of different subject lines and make data-driven decisions to optimize future email campaigns. The team at ASTRALCOM can help you set up compelling email marketing tests and strategies and can even develop bespoke content to turn your email list into a valuable source of revenue. 


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