The Hottest Topics in SEO for 2024

The Hottest Topics in SEO for 2024

An Essential SEO Checklist for Your 2024 Strategy

Essential SEO Checklist

New year, new strategy? As we embark on new business journeys into 2024, it is important not to lose momentum on the SEO wins and progress your business has made – while also making time to refine your SEO strategies. Rather than undertaking a complete overhaul, the key lies in assessing what’s working well and what is due for refinement to realign priorities. Whether or not your business needs a complete strategic re-vamp to prep for this year, there are a few core topics that the ASTRALCOM team recommends honing in on.

Set Your Business Goals: Take time to get clear about where you want your business to go in the next 12 months and beyond. This involves delving into potential strategic moves, new product launches, market expansions, shifts in target audiences, and any pivotal changes on the horizon. You might start by reviewing last year’s performance -evaluating the top-performing and worst-performing content will give you insights into user preferences and effective formats.

Landscape Analysis: Make time to regularly update insights into customer behavior and preferences. Mapping the customer journey becomes a crucial exercise that provides valuable information on the type of content they seek and in what format. Relatedly, stay vigilant in studying your competitors. Deep-diving into competitors’ strategies reveals focus areas, potential innovations, and risks.

Explore Emerging Tools and Functionality: Assess the tools you used for SEO and be open to exploring new tools or gaining further training to uncover untapped benefits and efficiencies. For instance, allocating time in 2024 to explore and integrate AI into your strategy might help you streamline your data analysis, research, and ideation.

Double Down on Keywords: Make a plan to update and align keywords with user intent regularly. Understanding what your audience is searching for and how they wish to consume content ensures relevance.

Technical SEO: Give your site a health check by assessing its technical efficacy. Don’t let your web administrator or developers forget to prioritize SEO as they maintain and update your site.

Approaching 2024 with confidence involves adapting a checklist to suit business priorities. It takes time to set a rhythm around SEO workflows – and you need not treat this strategic work as a sprint. Set out for continual optimization throughout the year – and find partners who can support your work with your business needs at the forefront. If you’re looking to refine your SEO strategy, ASTRALCOM is here to help. We have decades of SEO expertise across verticals and can provide comprehensive content strategy and technical support.


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