Are Food Reviewers Still Relevant?

Are Food Reviewers Still Relevant?

Restaurants – Here Are Some Do’s and Don’ts When Dealing With Food Reviewers

Dealing With Food Reviewers

For restaurants, marketing is most effective when it celebrates the great flavors, experience, and service customers can expect. In a sense, a glowing review from a food critic should accomplish all of these goals. When a reputable food reviewer publishes a stellar review, it can significantly boost a restaurant’s reputation and marketing efforts, attracting more customers.

There’s no risk without reward, however; receiving unfavorable reviews from food critics can damage a restaurant’s reputation and deter potential customers. There are many elements of food reviews that are out of a restaurant’s immediate control. For instance, social media platforms have amplified the influence of food reviewers, with their reviews, pictures, and recommendations reaching a broader audience almost instantly.

Given the power and reach of food reviewers, it is critical that restaurants actively manage their online presence and respond quickly and politely to both positive and negative reviews. Authenticity and credibility are crucial factors in food reviews – more and more, customers value genuine opinions over sponsored content or paid endorsements. Restaurants can leverage positive reviews by incorporating them into their marketing strategies, such as featuring them on their website or social media channels. By that same token, it is essential for restaurants to focus on consistently delivering high-quality food and service, as positive reviews stem from genuine customer satisfaction.

Food reviewers have a dual nature as both powerful marketing tools and potential sources of reputational risk for restaurants. For a thought partner in how to best make use of reviews in your digital strategy, work with the experts at ASTRALCOM can help. Check out our restaurant portfolio to see the impact we’ve made for clients in the food and beverage industry.


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