Do You Have the Latitude to Experiment with Your Marketing Strategy?
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated its massive impact on advertising spending and digital marketing. While many markets are bracing for despair, there are impressive innovators in the field who are pushing digital marketers and creatives to step-up and do things differently.
For many brands, demand has been steady throughout 2020 – packaged goods, technology, food suppliers, and others face minimal risk when it comes to experimental marketing. And for those who are reeling from shrinking marketing budgets, the reality is that many industries and brands will have to do more with less. This means coming at campaigns with a strong, researched point of view about who your audience is, what they need, and how to communicate your value in a performance-driven way. Testing your strategy is a smart way to triangulate the research you do against site metrics and audience data you’re able to gather elsewhere. Every dollar of ad-spend counts – and testing can help you find a concrete outcome for each campaign or initiative you pursue.
Instead of going broad with your audience, go deep. Customer sentiment research throughout the crisis reveals a heightened sensitivity to human impact stories, cultural values, and the gestures that brands take to address the crisis. Have a voice that aligns with the human response you’re feeling and seeing – and amplify your product, brand, or message through it. Showing that you are sensitive to what is happening in the world – rather than clumsily pushing sales – will change the way customers perceive you for the better.
If you’re a business looking for ways to optimize your marketing strategy for lean times, ASTRALCOM can help do more with less.