What Do Customers’ Media Habits Have To Do with Your Marketing Plans?

What Do Customers’ Media Habits Have To Do with Your Marketing Plans?

Customers Are Extremely Online. What Does This Mean for Brands?

Customer Media Habits

Does it feel like you and everyone you know spend more time online than ever? You’re not alone – according to fresh new data, people in 2023 are more digitally engaged across multiple channels at once and spend more time using social media, streaming apps, and other digital platforms – sometimes simultaneously. Here are four ways to respond. 

1. Plan for omnichannel marketing campaigns. Because customers increasingly consume media across various channels and devices, marketers need to adapt their strategies to reach customers effectively across multiple media channels. Traditional media, such as TV and radio, have not disappeared – instead, customers might have them in the background while using digital channels, like social media, streaming services, and online video, at the same time. 

2. Go all-in on mobile. Data shows that mobile devices continue to be the primary platform for accessing digital content. Customers spend significant time on smartphones, consuming content, browsing, and making purchases. As a result, marketers should prioritize mobile optimization and ensure that all content and advertising are mobile-friendly, responsive, and easy to digest in short bursts to engage customers effectively.

3. Integrate voice search. The trend in voice search usage continues to grow steadily. Customers use voice assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, to perform searches, make inquiries, and even make purchases. The more you optimize your content and advertising for voice search, the more effectively you can keep up with this emerging trend.

4. Be a social media star. Customers spend a significant amount of time on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, engaging with content, following brands, and making purchase decisions. Marketers – don’t miss the opportunity to put your brand in front of this waiting audience! Develop engaging content and leverage influencer marketing to connect with your target audience effectively.

If you are a marketer looking to stay updated with the hottest tech and customer behavior trends, contact the experts at ASTRALCOM. We will work with you to adapt your strategies and create a bespoke understanding of your target customer so that you can effectively reach and engage them in the evolving media landscape.


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