Content Marketing: How to Rank in the Google Answer Boxes

Content Marketing: How to Rank in the Google Answer Boxes


Google Answer Boxes are now providing a huge marketing opportunity for many businesses. For many years now, digital marketers have been struggling to overcome the challenges of SEO. Google’s algorithm revisions keep throwing marketers a curveball. But, have you ever searched for an answer using Google and received it right away? Well, that is now the famous Google Answer Box, the “featured snippet” that appears above the first typical result from a Google search. Many internet users are drawn to the answer box, and having your content appear here provides instant credibility. This presents a largely untapped opportunity for businesses to get quality content in front of their audience in a very prominent manner.

Business owners are now looking for ways to appear in the Google Answer Box to get more exposure for their websites. If your website provides an answer in the Google Answer Box, that could lead to many more clicks to your page. Having your information be the first thing a potential customer sees puts your business in a very strong position. The answer box often provides an intro to the full content that they are seeking. This is likely to prompt the user to follow your link to get more complete information on the topic. The good news is that there is no cost to appear in the answer boxes. All that is required is producing excellent quality content which can answer the queries of your target audience.

Instead of overwhelming potential customers with a lot of promotional ads, marketers should seek to build trust and loyalty through informative content. An informative webpage should address common concerns of your potential customers. This means businesses would be well served by spending more time performing effective market research. Publishing videos, high-quality images, and infographics will not guarantee your website will be featured in the answer boxes. These items can be incorporated into your web design. However, your company will be more likely to achieve positioning in this prime search real estate by focusing on quality informative content.

Formatting your content in a similar style to how these snippets display information will be helpful to landing your content in the answer box. Paragraphs, lists, and tables are the most common formats used. Semantics are also very important when it comes to ranking this way. Using terms and phrases in a more literal and straightforward manner can help to achieve a position in the coveted answer box.

For more on developing an effective strategy for appearing in the Google Answer Box, check out Spencer Smith’s informative article.

At ASTRALCOM, we have many years of experience in effectively ranking web content. Our content marketing and SEO strategies ensure great SERP and deliver more eyeballs to your pages. ASTRALCOM is always on the leading edge of new opportunities for keeping your content in front of your audiences. Contact us today so we can help to implement a strategy to have your content work smarter for you.


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