True Built Home Partners With ASTRALCOM, Gets More For Less

True Built Home Partners With ASTRALCOM, Gets More For Less

Dec-10Multichannel marketing isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t a proverbial walk in the park, either.

Yet, with the right planning, proper targeting, engaging creative and solid content it can be immediately successful.

Take the case of True Built Home. They were already working with an agency when we first met. But, after a couple of pointed meetings in which we discussed ways that we could help them to achieve better returns with the same budget, our fates were sealed together.

So we devised a multichanel plan that started to deliver results within the first week.

Results like an 8% increase in targeted traffic. Engagement KPIs like pages per session and average session duration rose by 11% and overall conversion rates, across channels, jumped by 21.8%.

Results by month-end? Nearly a 20% increase in new visitors and more than 25% increase in sessions.

Sometimes clients know that they could be getting better results than what they are currently getting and this post is a great case in point. Most of the time, however, clients aren’t aware that they could be – should be – getting better performance and return-on-investment from their marketing partners.

Read more about True Built Homes’ campaign success and then contact us to see how much better your results could be with ASTRALCOM as your partner.


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