2020’s SEO Standards

2020’s SEO Standards

How to Win at SEO in the Coming Year

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Is SEO perfection an attainable outcome for your business? It’s never too soon to start honing-in on a plan for the New Year. Here are some unmissable focus areas for you and your team.

Put your eggs in Google’s basket. Google is king in the search engine world – Google searches account for over 92% of all searches; competing search engines fragment the >8% of other searches into tiny batches. Plus, Google’s reach is growing – with 3.5 billion searches per day and 40,000 per second, the volume of searches on Google grows by 10% every year.

Go local or go home. Optimizing for local makes it easy for users to find you – and creates conversions from searches. Did you know that 76% of local searches result in a phone call? Be the guy on the receiving end. Backlink to credible local sites, optimizing for keyword-specific local terms, and dive into Google My Business.

– While 2019 has been the year of voice search, continuing to optimize for voice will be a major benefit, especially for local brick and mortar businesses.

– Optimize for Google Lens – AI’s reverse image search. Add a strong, visually present logo on products, signage and other visual media. Optimize images with descriptive copy and metadata, and encourage your customers to upload photos of your business.

2020, here we come. Are you ready to expand your digital footprint and make a more relevant, searchable site for your local business? Make ASTRALCOM your partner for digital marketing and SEO. Get in touch today.


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