Do You Have Plans Tonight That You’ll Actually Keep? Yeah, You’re Not the Only One…

Do You Have Plans Tonight That You’ll Actually Keep? Yeah, You’re Not the Only One…

People on smartphonesAccording to Connections, we’re collectively suffering “a thoroughly modern affliction: We wouldn’t keep flaking it if it weren’t so damn easy — nothing lets us so seamlessly shed our commitments quite like a text. The Internet hasn’t helped, giving us the sense that there are endless social options to choose from on any given night. We average 338 friends on Facebook, giving us a false sense of endless variety and availability.

The article cites some interesting personal relationship trends like faking and ghosting, saying that, “For every “Sorry, can’t make it!” text we receive, we likely send two of our own.”

Mostly, we tend to use business as the flake-factor in what Tim Kreider; writer for the New York Times calls “the busy trap.” That’s where we use the feeling of being overextended with important commitments to alleviate our flaking guilt.

So how do you stop it? Read Kate Hakala’s article in Connections and find out. Or, contact us and we’ll tell you!


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