How the Psychology of Confidence Plays Into Competitive Differentiation

How the Psychology of Confidence Plays Into Competitive Differentiation

Overconfidence is Studied as a Means to Persuade Others


Have you ever encountered a person so proud, successful and boastful that you can’t help but trust them? According to a recent study on human behavior by Munich researchers, the bravado that’s on display by confident people can be used as a tool to manipulate, persuade or deceive other people.

The psychology of overconfidence is complex when it comes to marketing. On the one hand, it can be hugely advantageous for a brand to offer authoritative, end-all-be-all expertise in a given subject area. A brand that presents itself as a tried and true winner with a strong track record of happy past customers and innovative products, services or experiences is bound to persuade new customers and root their engagement in trust. However, as I’ve touched on in prior articles, being authentic is fundamental to a brand’s success in digital marketing. In this era of sharable experiences, social media and content-laden reviews that directly impact SEO, it has never been more essential to participate in online branding and storytelling with a human, relatable effect and to gain users’ trust.

As a business owner, identifying how you leverage confidence and persuasive copy is critical to your content strategy. If you are looking for ways to connect with new customers and gain trust, ASTRALCOM can help. Partner with us for full-service content marketing and SEO strategy. Get in touch today.


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