The Taxonomy of Society

The Taxonomy of Society

Social network scheme

In order to properly disseminate a message, it is critical to have a clear understanding of the target market and how the product or service being advertised fits within the target demographic.

When engineering consensus, the market is categorized as follows;

• Societal Taxonomy (vertical)
• Masses
• Groups
• Cliques
• Individuals

These are all classifications for varying quantities of individuals, from the largest (masses) to the smallest (individual). The messaging techniques that will be used for communicating to each of these classifications will vary in context, content, syntax and calls-to-action. For example, you probably wouldn’t greet a crowd of people by inviting them into your home without knowing something about them first. Similarly, you wouldn’t say “Hello, everyone!” when addressing an individual. The point here is that what your message says at the mass level will be different than what it says at the group, the clique and the individual levels. You might need to tweak the message for each medium, or alter the human process syntax for specific media based on societal taxonomy. In this manner, societal taxonomy can be viewed as a funnel: with masses at the large end of the funnel and individual at the small end.

The messaging at one level is designed to move consumers to the next level. At each level, consumers build rapport with your brand, product or service based on the root messaging and related human process syntax.

If you’re interested in connecting with consumers across multiple channels more effectively, then you’ll love our whitepaper, “Engineering Consensus – The Syntax of Consumerism” at this link.

Download a copy FREE and let us know what you think and how these concepts work for you.


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