The Proof is in the Conversions – Getting Better ROI in Homebuilder Marketing

The Proof is in the Conversions – Getting Better ROI in Homebuilder Marketing

Updated November 12, 2023

Homebuilder Marketing

There are two times every year when “home buying season” happens – in the spring and in the fall. For homebuyers and for homebuilders, these two periods in the year are when the bulk of purchases/sales are made.

Preparing for these two events, as a marketing professional for a builder, takes a lot of thought, time, planning and work to help ensure a successful outcome. That’s where understanding how homebuyers use the Internet during their journey to a new home purchase and having a solid multichannel marketing plan pay off. That pay off being in the form of leads that their marketing efforts deliver. And for the hard-core marketing professionals, that key performance indicator (KPI) is cost-per-lead acquisition (CPLA), or more commonly referred to as the cost of a conversion.

Conversions are the holy grail of digital marketing. They are considered as the ultimate outcome and serve as the official hand-off to the sales team. Yet, homebuilders across the board continually spend millions of dollars on drawing potential homebuyers to their websites, only to result in very low conversion rates. Most homebuilders that we start working with are converting less than 5% of their website traffic into leads. Sure, they could simply spend more money to drive more traffic and then get more leads. Or, they could improve the experience of their visitors and convert more leads for less money – getting a better return on their marketing investment.

Based on our experience with homebuilders across the nation, I’d guess that your conversion rate is not greater than 5%. Even if it were 5% or more, imagine if you could double your current conversion rate?!

Start here, or give us a shout and we’d be happy to help you get better ROI from your marketing efforts.


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