The Pace of SEO Change Will Only Increase

The Pace of SEO Change Will Only Increase

Decoding the Next Phase of SEO Complexity

The Pace of SEO Change

Search Engine Optimization maintains a hold on digital marketing as more and more transactions occur online, more businesses vie for audiences’ attention, and about 50% of all online traffic comes from search engines.


Once upon a time, being one of the “ten blue links” at the top of the Google search engine results page was the primary goal for digital marketers. However, as SEO’s algorithms grow increasingly complex, just about every website element is worth auditing and scrutinizing for potential optimizations. A site’s verbal clarity, metadata and tagging, user experience, content quality, and ability to convey expertise are just some of the factors that weigh in today’s SEO panoply.


Brands that are ready to take their SEO to the next level without the hassle of staying up to date on every update can rely on the experts at ASTRALCOM. 


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